JSW MI Steel Service Center awarded with “MISI Safety Award 2019, CSO Prize”
JSW MI Steel Service Center awarded with ``MISI Safety Award 2019, CSO Prize``
JSW MI Steel Service Center strives to achieve the World Class Safety Management system by integrating the best practices of JSW Steel and MISI, Japan. Safety is one of the key indicators of the organization’s well-being. We have developed a positive safety culture by implementing a robust safety management system at our plants. Our team is committed to maintain and improve the level of safety in the coming days also.
Recently JSW MI Steel Service Center has been awarded with “MISI Safety Award 2019, CSO Prize” on 10th June 2020 from MISI Head Quarter, Tokyo.
The award is for Best Safety Performance – Achievement of ZERO Accident by JSW MI Steel Service Center Pune & Palwal plant.